Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Deformation Gradient

The deformation gradient is a transformation matrix.

Symbol: "F".

X: Stretched-space matrix
B: Rest-space matrix
F: Deformation gradient

In an n-dimensional "rest" space (sometimes "material" space), the columns of "B" are the n basis vectors which span that space.  B is an n-by-n matrix.
In an n-dimensional "stretched" space (sometimes "world" space), the columns of "X" are the n basis vectors which span that space.  X is an n-by-n matrix.

Define F (the deformation gradient):

F = X*(B^-1)

For example:

The deformation gradient transforms a vector from rest-space to stretched-space.
F*B = X

The inverse of the deformation gradient transforms a vector from stretched-space to rest-space.
(F^-1)*X = B